Oh well..
All good things must come to an end.

I spent ~6 years of my life playing AM2 [2017/10-2023/04], learned a lot from people,
shared back via coaching and mentoring for new ones.

I tried to return to the community as much as it gave me through this website.
I hope this site was valuable, at least it was fun for me to make :-)

As mentioned before, this site would not have never been possible without all these people supporting me.

Top contributors, special thanks to:
     PulsAir - without you, i would never have made it!
     Austrian - thanks for your hard work populating the database with me!
     (censored) - thanks a lot for validating/helping on the seatfinder/circuitfinder even if you want to stay annonymous
     Amaszonas - formulas formulas and formulas :P
     TLKnows - pax estimation through machine learning!
     Percy Air Group - thanks for hunting all missing airports even if i still lack of time to add them :o)
     Etihad - EAP Banner, images, support, trust, everything!

Additional thanks to:
     Australian Global (bug reports, typo and textual issues)
     BlueFlame (bug reports and new ideas)
     Dark Panzer (suggestions)
     Sabena (corrections!)
     Kaihua Airways (bug reports and new ideas)
     Kerberos (bug reports)
     Delta Airlines (bug reports)
     Spear Air (bug reports)

Last Personal Notes:
     * Fightclub members: I hope you enjoyed the show.
     * I am forever grateful to TranSnowflake (aka "TSF") for his invaluable contribution and support to this site.
     * To my wife - even though she would prefer that I stop coding and go mushroom hunting in the forest with her..

Thanks to everyone who are using this web site daily (500+ people!); it was a nice journey.

As usual, Fly High, Fly Safe!
- MT

Change log

2023-05-21 - version 2.31-final
     - EAP's configuration cockpit.
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2023-03-05 - version 2.30.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2023-02-20 - version 2.29.1
     - Minor fix for PHP8

2023-02-19 - version 2.29.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Migrated to PHP8
     - Route finder: adding the filter for legacy hub
     - Updated formula for time calculation

2023-01-21 - version 2.28.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2023-01-15 - version 2.27.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-12-26 - version 2.26.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-11-26 - version 2.25.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Circuit Finder fix (encore)

2022-11-10 - version 2.24.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Circuit Finder fix

2022-11-06 - version 2.23.2
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-10-18 - version 2.23.1
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-10-18 - version 2.23.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-09-11 - version 2.22.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-07-27 - version 2.18.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-07-05 - version 2.17.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Newest planes mnodel added

2022-06-19 - version 2.16.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Circuit Finder, fixed the deleted route

2022-06-05 - version 2.15.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Display legacy hub in circuit finder

2022-05-23 - version 2.14.1
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Added Lookheed C-130

2022-05-21 - version 2.14.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2022-04-02 - version 2.13.2
     - bug fixes

2022-02-06 - version 2.13.1
     - bug fixes

2022-02-05 - version 2.13.0
     - Mini redesign of circuit finder for EAP Members with route pax demand

2021-11-05 - version 2.12.0
     - Correction in circuit finder to hide routes below 100km.
     - Added 747SP

2021-10-18 - version 2.11.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-10-05 - version 2.10.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-09-04 - version 2.9.0
     - Seat Configurator includes route cost in ROI
     - Extra fix in Seat Configurator when demand = 0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-08-21 - version 2.8.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-08-12 - version 2.7.2
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-07-17 - version 2.7.1
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-05-02 - version 2.7.0
     - Website ported to PHP8
     - Content Generation Engine upgrated to NWY-3.6.0

2021-04-11 - version 2.6.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-03-06 - version 2.5.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-02-06 - version 2.4.1
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

2021-01-31 - version 2.4.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Missing airports added (BER, remove SXF)
     - Back-end engine: Split user space vs kernel space
     - Back-end engine: reworked class loading
     - Overall website performance tuning

2020-10-13 - version 2.3.1
     - Small bugfix in the account creation module
     - Small correction in the circuit finder

2020-09-19 - version 2.3.0
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes
     - Seat Configurator has been extended up to 50 waves

2020-09-03 - version 2.2.0
     - Added the Staff Configurator

2020-08-28 - version 2.1.0
     - New Ajax function calls
     - Correction of the IATA Code for Trinidad and Tobago

2020-07-29 - version 2.0.2
     - Added the airports KYT an SCW
     - Correction of the locations of the airports KNO and MPH

2020-07-27 - version 2.0.1
     - Added the manufacturer "Ilyushin" as well as the models Ił-114, Ił-96M, Ił-96-300 and the "Tupolev" TU-154M
     - Added the airports BZV, HHN, YIA, RMQ, HLE, POS, MDL, KLF, NNM and ZIA

2020-04-03 - version 2.0.0
     - New Ajax function calls (fixed quite a few bugs)
     - Price Finder: autoclear boxes after calculation (thanks @TransSnowFlake)
     - Circuit Finder: fix for < 56h circuits (thanks @Spear Air)
     - New EAP Login page (thanks @Etihad)
     - Added the eco algorithm in circuit finder
     - Minor tweak in circuit finder score when it includes an "unwanted route".
     - Small fix in the Seat Configurator when the source hub is lost from the session (thanks @AG)
     - Some french corrections
     - Price Finder: added the no cargo option
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

(internal release) - version 1.9.0
     - New Landing Page
     - Fix language menu for non-visual media (thanks @Amaszonas!)
     - Route Finder:
          - Added Region filter
          - Updated the Aircraft Selection box
          - Added advanced "km" filter
          - Switched into ajax call for the results
          - Layout fixes
          - Small fix when you change manufacturer (and not the model)
     - Aircraft Finder:
          - New filters
          - Switched into ajax call for the results
          - Layout fixes
     - Price Finder:
          - Layout redesigned
     - Perfect Seat Finder
          - Layout redesigned
          - Added ROI
          - Optimized the algorithm further (same result but quicker)
          - Added an option for flight without cargo
          - Added an option to avoid negative results (but suboptimal)
     - Circuit Finder
          - Layout redesigned
          - New Algoridm
          - Extra filtering options
     - EAP's private stuff

(internal release) - version 1.8.2
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

(internal release) - version 1.8.1
     - EAP's private stuff, bug fixes

(internal release) - version 1.8.0
     - EAP's private stuff

(never released) - version 1.7.4
     - Speed up the circuit finder in case a long list of included hub is added
     - Added a filter to narrow down per region

2020-01-12 - version 1.7.3
     - Correction in the preselection of the manufacturer in the circuit finder
     - Added the country in the circuit finder results
     - Small modification in the algorithm of the route selection for circuits

2020-01-11 - version 1.7.2
     - Small correction in the circuit finder logic (thanks @Kaihua Airways!)

2020-01-10 - version 1.7.1
     - Added the capacity PAX/Cargo in the Aircraft Finder

2020-01-10 - version 1.7.0
     - Added the circuit finder
     - Redesign the hub search box of the destinations finder
     - Added the Bombardier CRJ-550

2019-12-26 - version 1.6.1
     - Added the airports KNO, MPH, DWC, ETM, HRE, WMI, SZY and GUA
     - Removed MES airport from the finder but can still be used as a source
     - Updated TAG airport for its new location

2019-11-30 - version 1.6.0
     - Added the Perfect Seat Finder
     - Adjustment in Price Finder for better usuability
     - Typo corrected in Price Finder (Thanks @AG!)
     - Minor CSS changes

2019-11-23 - version 1.5.3
     - Added the airport PKX (China)
     - Added the manufacturer "Indonesian Aerospace" as well as the model CN-235

2019-11-01 - version 1.5.2
     - Quick fix for the price finder parser (new syntax from playrion)

2019-10-27 - version 1.5.1
     - Added the Embraer E195-E2

2019-10-19 - version 1.5.0
     - Displayed the stats counter
     - Small correction about the range limit of 14000 (state vs cookie)
     - Small correction in the CSS that broke the visual layout. Sorry that it stayed like that for so long..
     - Modification of the "parser" on "Price Finder". It should now support both french/english of the two favours available on airlines manager
     - The page "destinations finder" is now on its own, therefore not necessairely the initial landing page (although it still is!)
     - Back-end modification to facilitate other AJAX queries

2019-08-15 - version 1.4.0
     - Modification to make sure that the price finder do not return a price below the audit.
     - Pre-sorted the route finder by distance
     - Added airport "star" ranking in the route finder results
     - Updated the top banner (thanks @EY!!)

2019-08-04 - version 1.3.1
     - Small CSS correction for mobile phone

2019-08-03 - version 1.3.0
     - Added the simple price finder
     - Added a range filter at 14,000km (limit of entertainment on longhaul)
     - Added the selected aircraft details in the route finder

2019-07-25 - version 1.2.0
     - Addition of the Aircraft Finder

2019-07-21 - version 1.1.0
     - Added cities (thanks to @Fly Austrian!).
     - Updated the responsive design of the website .
     - Changed the colour of the result table maching more EAP's colour.
     - Added this page (change log).
     - Added the "contact" page.

2019-07-17 - version 1.0.5
     - Corrected ULH flights reaching exactly the limit of km (thanks @BlueFlame!).
     - Added a link to go back to top from search result.

2019-07-13 - version 1.0.4
     - Added the aircraft flying speed (suggestion from @Dark Panzer!).
     - Chased and fixed a bug where the double-selection list were filled twice on form repost.

2019-07-12 - version 1.0.3
     - Converted the whole website in french and english.

2019-07-11 - version 1.0.2
     - Translated countries into english.

2019-07-10 - version 1.0.1
     - Colour adjustment maching EAP's colour.
     - Added all the missing aircraft (thanks to @Fly Austrian who made the list by hand!).

2019-07-09 - version 1.0.0
     - Initial release; gros merci @Puls Air!

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634 vistors in last 24h. Last update: 2024-11-30